App Review: Dice Wisdom

a pair of dice being rolled

When the intersection of technology and (fill in the blank) meet, I’m always excited.  But when the (fill in the blank) is spirituality and mysticism, I’m next level giddy.   The app store is littered with hundreds of productivity tools, games, health trackers…and you would think it stops there since those always get the attention.  But buried a little deeper into the “lifestyle” section is one you must check out.  Here’s my App Review: Dice Wisdom.

Full disclosure, it was designed by a friend of mine.  You know her as Mystic Mona, Las Vegas’ Premier Psychic.  If you’ve ever had her flip a deck of tarot cards in front of you to see where your life is headed, then you know she’s beyond the real deal.  She’s so spot on, I’ve wondered if she was colluding with the Universe somehow or given a prediction VIP pass!  Seriously, if you’ve never had a reading from her — schedule one!

The premise is simple.  Once inside the app, you’re asked to focus on a “yes or no” question, then tap the screen to roll the two dice.  The combination of two numbers rolled provides the details or reason why your answer was a “yes” or a “no.”  Following a phone conversation with Mona a couple of weeks ago, I’ve been using this app quite a bit.  Here’s a screenshot of the wisdom it gave me regarding whether I should proceed in a potential new work venture.


App Available on Phone Only, Not Desktop

See, it’s already coming true!  I’m touting Mona’s business.  Full disclosure: I offered it because I think this app is very insightful. And it doesn’t just tell you what you want to hear.  I go the answer “no” to everything I asked last week.  And I’ve yet to see a repeat synopsis and answer yet from one of my questions.   The app is available in both Google Play and the App Store from Apple.  It’s only $1.99

Below is a little more information on it.  And now that I just watched the video, no one why the dice was saying no all last week. Apparently, you have to ask the question while holding the phone in your right hand!  Seriously Universe?  Do you know what gesture I’m making right now with my left hand to you?   Kidding!!
