a pair of dice being rolled

App Review: Dice Wisdom

August 9, 2021 Mike Doria 0

When the intersection of technology and (fill in the blank) meet, I’m always excited.  But when the (fill in the blank) is spirituality and mysticism, I’m next level giddy.   The app store is littered with hundreds of productivity tools, [More]

Mike Doria holding out his hand collecting graphic coins

Can You Spare Me Some Change?

July 29, 2021 Mike Doria 0

Don’t answer that.  While I certainly would love for you to spare me some change,  the question in the title is both rhetorical and a literal literary device called a creative play on words.  Who knows, this might even be [More]

Driving Miss Lazy | Headphones and Speakers Blog

Driving Miss Lazy

February 24, 2015 Mike Doria 0

Apple iMove Car (Driving Miss Lazy) | Headphones and Speakers Blog By: Mike Doria Let me say right from the get-go that I was sold at “self-driving!”  Take my pre-existing zero patience and couple it with always being surrounded by idiot [More]