Fall From Grace or Graceful Fall?


Falling out of the sky is probably on everyone’s bucket list, right?  The thing is, it’s easier said and never done.  I certainly know why now that I’ve been skydiving in southwest Florida. I was fine until the plane took off.  Then the propellers and engine in my head started turning and imagining everything going wrong.  But, I quickly refocused…until the plane door opened and I watch my friend Betsy basically fall out.  When I put my right knee onto the ledge just below the door, I was waiting for the random tandem instructor selected to jump with me.  His name is Noah and for about 20 minutes on Saturday, October 2, 2021, he was also the most important person in my life.  I distinctly remember him say “we’ll rock forward,  then,  forward we fall.”

Foward we fell alright.  Hard to put it all into perspective because it all goes very quickly.  About 6 minutes later, we were on the ground.  But you get to see what happens in the middle.  Or as I like to call it, the time it was me, not the sky, that was falling.