Power On

PowerOnOn a recent — and much needed trip — to San Diego, I was in the car headed to church with my friend Adam.  It was the weekend prior to both Christmas and the release of my first book, “It’s a Sign, Stupid!”, which investigates and uncovers many of the signs and symbols given to me along my spiritual journey.  While in the car, I was showing him some YouTube videos of a gentlemen by the name of Matthew Santoro.  Santoro is brilliantly silly!  He talks a lot of top 10 and usually picks a subject that’s near and dear or just plain weird.  I don’t know what it is about this guy, but I dig him.  He’s entertaining, factual and knows how to flirt with the camera.  Adam turned to me from the front seat of the car and said “This is the perfect example of someone who’s come into his power.”   And, naturally — I got that warm, stinging feeling in my stomach.  My intuition.  While I usually get intuition stings in the form of a warning, this one brought a smile to my face.  It was God — talking through Adam.  And, surer than shit, he was right.  Matt IS the perfect example of someone who has come into his power.

So what does that mean?  Someone who has come into his or her power is someone who is confident, doing what he or she is supposed to be doing in life and someone who isn’t afraid to let the world know.  I’ll make one addition — someone who is helping someone else out.  Yes, entertainment counts.  Matt almost had me choking on a piece of food one day.  He’s just a jackass in the best way possible — he brings a smile to peoples’ faces.  Had the son-of-a-bitch caused me to choke to death; I’d still cheer him on in the afterlife.

I’ve been thinking about the word “power” lately.  When we harness our individual power — we feel secure.  We feel illuminated; and we feel great all the way around.  We understand our purpose.  We understand we’re human.  And, we understand that we have a much bigger role in life than we’d ever once imagined.

Coming into our power does come with a little leg work — some soul searching; if you will.  Inside each and every one of us is a code — a combination of sorts — that when cracked — puts us at the top of our game.  It positions us at the top of that metaphoric mountain we climb in life.  It’s oneness.  It’s victory.

A few days after Christmas, I spoke with Adam again.  In our chat, I’ve decided to make my word for the new year “Power.”  It’s part of my spiritual journey.  Yes, I’ve come into my power at one point.  I mean, you’ve all seen me on TV as a news reporter.  But, now in a different place in life — due to my spiritual journey — I’m about to unleash the new power for which I’m meant.  It’s exciting.  In fact, the uncertainty of it is equally as wonderful.  My book was the first step.  I answered God.  He wanted me to write it — and I didn’t deny or deprive him of that.  Will you turn your power on  in the new year?   Are you ready to show the world what you’re capable of?  Are you ready to step into your destiny?  Even just a baby-step into this beauty will uncork the magic.  This is your year.  Embrace it.  It’s kind of cliche — but go for the gold.  What’s the worse that can happen — you succeed.  Now go get em’ tiger.  <—- super corny but who gives a shit?  Now, get to it.

To Matt: I write for Us Weekly Magazine and have interviewed every celebrity known to  man.  BUT, I want to meet you!! Can we make this happen?

Enjoy two of my favorite YouTube videos by this boy wonder.