"Dim Sum" "Mike Doria" "Blah Blah Blog"

I figured it was just going to be another meal.  Turns out, it was some literal food for thought!  If you’ve ever been to a Dim Sum restaurant, you know that having a conversation at the table is tough.  You’re constantly being interrupted by the the clanking of food carts and a waiter offering you up another bite size portion of something you can’t identify.  Don’t get me wrong — Dim Sum is great.  Plus, I always have a lot of nervous energy making any type of relaxation out of the question.  The atmosphere was right up my alley.

As I sat there eating, I noticed a man at another table — alone.  He had a goofy smile on his face and he was anal-retentive to the Nth degree.  Whereas I just put the food in my mouth and chew (you know, like a normal person) he was meticulously taking his time with EVERYTHING.  From picking up the fork to sipping his tea to swallowing — it was all calculated, or so it seemed.  Then I realized this man is a genius — maybe even God trying to teach me something through my taste buds.

I was stressed out the entire car ride over  to the restaurant.  In addition to my new full-time job in which I’m charged with the task of creating my company’s PR & Marketing department, I had four other friends  and/or businesses asking for my help with their publicity.  Did I also mention I’m a regular part-time freelance writer for Us Weekly Magazine?  Where was I supposed to find the time to do all of this?  Why am I the go-to person all of a sudden?  Trust me, I’m thankful.  VERY thankful.  But I was about to go nuts.

In all times, especially moments like this, I have to resort to my spirituality.  What is God and the given situation is trying to convey?  As I watched the man at the other table, two thoughts popped into my head.  The first: although what seems like a lot on my plate is really nothing that I can’t handle. It wouldn’t be in front of my face if I couldn’t.  The second: take time to chew your food.  In other words, slow down — breath — and embrace the moments of relaxation. Take after the man at the other table who was not going to let anyone or anything interfere with his feast.

Even after realizing this man was one smart “fortune” cookie, I still had my doubts.  I always do.  I’m human.  Then I looked over at the decoration on the wall.  I’m not just a creative Pisces who has a ton of passion and a lot of drive.  In the Chinese Zodiac, I’m a dragon.  How’s that for a tip?


  1. Pisces/Ox

    Dim Sum is one of the best foods on the planet. You should get over here (Hong Kong) to experience sum. One of the things I noticed here in Asia is that diners are not often rushed, you’re able to take your time and enjoy the meal. Meals are typically longer than the ones I experienced in the States. Portions are smaller (but I can put a way a lot of dim sum). As for metaphors, I have none at this time. Yours are excellent and I’m merely here to confirm the conveyed message.

    It’s also the Year of the Dragon. There are no fortune cookies here, but we do have fried insects in some areas.

    • BRIAN!!!
      How are you buddy? And a fellow Pisces too!! What are you doing in Hong Kong? Last time we saw each other I believe you were in Webster. Life has been really good to me this year — almost scary. I can only hope next year brings equally as good fortune. But, I must also pat myself on the back a little for getting my ass into gear and going after everything I wanted. The fruits of my labor are paying off. Let me know how you’re doing and thanks so much for reading. If we’re ever in Rochester again at the same time — Dim Sum for sure! Cheers, M

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