
EdYOUcation (Education Sites) | Headphones and Speakers Blog

By: Mike Doria 

EdYoucation | Headphones and Speakers Blog POP QUIZ: Do you know where to learn things about stuff?  And, do you know where you can do so for $free-99?  If you’re still scratching your head trying to figure out the answer to the above questions you’re teetering on idiot status.  It’s 2015.  We’ve had the internet (the useful one anyway) since 1996-ish.  Get with the program and get online.  Sure, Candy Crush Saga and surfing for foolery is fun — but it doesn’t make you the “most smart” person.  Yes, I intentionally used incorrect grammar in that last sentence.

I’m in no way shape or form the smartest person around — but I do know a little about a lot.  Part of that reason stems from my news reporting days when I had virtually six hours to pack as much information into my brain — about a topic in which I was sometimes completely unfamiliar — before I had to then regurgitate it on the six o’clock news like I was a genius on the subject.  The other reason — I actually enjoy learning something new every day and making an effort.  I realize we’re all busy so I’ve decided that you’re all getting an “A” on the above pop quiz. And — here’s how you can earn the coveted “A+”:  Below are my top picks this month for sites offering some pretty good information that will get you ahead in life.  Sit up straight and pay attention.

1.) WWW.EDX.ORG – College is so expensive nowadays.  If only there were a way to take some classes online —  for free — to at least familiarize oneself with the coarse material in any given field or major.  Log on to www.edx.org and you’ll be pleasantly surprised that you can!   And, in most cases — you can learn for free if you agree to review the course when you’ve finished.  Want to take a peek at Psychology? Or, maybe you’d like to study science?  EdX, an online initiative from the founders of Harvard and MIT allow you to explore topics including biology, business, chemistry, computer science, economics, finance, electronics, engineering, food and nutrition, history, humanities, law, literature, math, medicine, music, philosophy, physics, science, statistics and more.

2.) WWW.YOUTUBE.COM – I know.  You’re probably thinking like “does he not think we’ve never heard of YouTube?” And the answer is no.  But guess what? Beyonce and Bieber aren’t the only reasons to visit this site.  Refrain from typing things like “latest Britney Spears video” or start keying in things like “building a website tutorial” and you’ll be flabbergasted by the amount of people willing to teach you how to do stuff at NO COST.   If you have no idea how to use Microsoft Excel or how to build a birdhouse — sorry — but it’s your own fault.  It’s all online and it’s all on you to want to learn.

3.) WWW.WRITERS-FREE-REFERENCE.COM – When you arrive to this site — try not to laugh too hard at the exceptionally poor design reminiscent of the days when “Lycos” was a popular search engine.  At the very top of this website, it says “a list of free reference sites useful for writers or anyone looking for free information.”  Log on and look at it.  Enough said.  Oh, and…you’re welcome.

4.) WWW.PLUGGIO.COM – I hear all the time from small business owners who say “I don’t have time to do Twitter.”  Well, now you don’t.  Pluggio is one of those $free-99 God sends that allow you to stay in the social media mix without spending too much time.  Pluggio lets you schedule tweets — but it also gives you a drip feed full of news and articles to choose from. So, if you’re a bakery looking to increase your bottom line; work it so your drip feed only gives you baking related articles and info to tweet.  Check it out.  You’ll like this site.  It’ll ask you all the time whether you want to pay for a subscription.  All you have to do is keep clicking “no.”

5.) WWW.CHEATSHEET.COM – “Eight facts you didn’t know about renter’s insurance” “Tax deductions anyone is eligible for” — OMG I’m in Heaven.  What a clever little site that compiles articles of interest and ones that actually have pertinent information to put in your brain.  Once again — now you know.